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v0.3.4 - Aug 15 2024

  • Fixed issue where unzoned: drop config would drop all notifications

v0.3.3 - Aug 14 2024

v0.3.2 - Jun 13 2024

  • Allow config to be provided via environment variables (Thanks @ryan-willis!!)

v0.3.1 - Jun 11 2024

  • Fix misspelling for Ntfy
    • Currently config will accept either nfty or ntfy, but in a future release nfty will be removed
    • ⚠️ Note: If you are using nfty, please update your config to the correct spelling: ntfy
  • Fix issue where Ntfy action button would use local Frigate URL even if public_url was configured
  • Fix camera links for Frigate 0.14.0+
  • Add support for sending HTTP headers with Ntfy notifications
  • Added config file option to drop events that don't have a snapshot image
  • Move "No snapshot available" message into notification templates
  • Add support for disabling colored console logging via config options

v0.3.0 - Jun 03 2024

  • Reworked & reduced logging, added debug option
  • Add ability to define custom notification templates
  • Add support for notifications via webhook
  • Add retry logic to startup check
    • App will now retry up to 5 times, checking once every 30 seconds
    • Config options now available to modify max attempts & retry interval
  • Enable concurrent notification processing
  • Fix issue where some event providers would fail if no snapshot was available via Frigate

v0.2.8 - May 15 2024

  • Add support for notifications via Ntfy
  • Add ability to send additional HTTP headers to Frigate
  • Add new public_url config item for Frigate
    • This will be used in notification links & should be configured if Frigate is accessible via the internet
  • Add startup check to verify Frigate API is accessible
  • Rework event notifications to be built from templates
  • Fix default interval for querying evens via web API
  • Fix issue where label score is 0% via web API event query

v0.2.7 - May 06 2024

  • Allow changing default MQTT topic prefix via config
  • Added ability to filter notifications based on labels
    • New option to allow only notifications with specified labels
    • New option to deny notifications based on labels

v0.2.6 - Apr 01 2024

  • Fixed issue with setting unzoned: drop under zone config, where alerts wouldn't be sent if event began outside a zone.
  • Fixed issue with correct timezone getting applied on container image
  • Added timeformat option for notifications, which allows custom date/time format
  • Minor updates to logging to ensure all event logs have an event ID attached

v0.2.5 - Mar 29 2024

  • Added support for alerts via Pushover
  • Reduced container image from ~1Gb to ~11Mb

v0.2.4 - Mar 28 2024

  • Added support for alerts via Telegram
  • Updated notification message to now include links to the camera & event clip

v0.2.3 - Mar 14 2024

  • Updated config management
  • Improved config file validation
  • Fixed issue where HTTP requests would fail if only IP & port were specified in config
  • Fixed crash if Frigate has no event info & app couldn't pull snapshots
  • Added ability to filter notifications based on zones
    • New config option to only allow notifications based on zone
    • New config option to deny notifications based on zone
    • New config option to allow or drop events outside of a designated zone

v0.2.2 - Nov 29 2023

  • Fix SMTP issue where code was ignoring tls: false config flag
  • Fix issue where snapshots would only be sent to the first alerting method, if multiple were enabled
  • Update Debian image used for Docker image

v0.2.1 - Sep 20 2023

  • Added Docker release build for ARM

v0.2.0 - Sep 19 2023

  • Add support for excluding cameras from alerts
  • Added ability to set custom alert titles
  • Added ability to set custom MQTT client ID
  • Added ability to change MQTT port
  • Migrate Discord alerts to use Embeds
  • Improved SMTP & Gotify alerts to include a warning if a snapshot wasn't saved
  • Add GitHub actions for automated release builds
  • Added version number to startup logging

v0.1.1 - Apr 25 2023

  • Add support for MQTT authentication

v0.1.0 - Mar 17 2023

  • Initial release! 🎉