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Config File

The following section details options available via the config.yml file. Config snippets are provided for each section, however it is recommended to start with a blank copy of the full sample config.

Config may also be provided via environment variables. Frigate-notify will load environment variables prefixed with FN_. Environment variables follow the same structure as the config file below, with heirarchy separated by an underscore (_). For example, setting the Frigate server address would be FN_FRIGATE_SERVER, or enabling Discord alerts would use FN_ALERTS_DISCORD_ENABLED.



  • server (Required)
    • IP, hostname, or URL of the Frigate NVR
    • If IP or hostname specified, app will prepend http://
    • If Frigate is not behind a reverse proxy, append port number if necessary
  • ignoressl (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to allow self-signed certificates for server
  • public_url (Optional)
    • Should be set if Frigate is available via an external, public URL
    • This value is used for the links used in notifications
    • Format should be full URL (example: https://nvr.your.public.domain.tld)
  • headers (Optional)
    • Send additional HTTP headers to Frigate
    • Useful for things like authentication
    • Header format: Header: Value
    • Example: Authorization: Basic abcd1234
  • startup_check (Optional)
    • On startup, frigate-notify will attempt to reach the configured Frigate NVR to validate connectivity
    • These options allow customization of the max attempts & retry interval
    • attempts (Optional - Default: 5)
      • Max number of attempts to reach Frigate server
    • interval (Optional - Default: 30)
      • Interval between retries, in seconds
Config File Snippet
  server: nvr.your.domain.tld
  ignoressl: true
  public_url: https://nvr.your.public.domain.tld
    - Authorization: Basic abcd1234
    attempts: 5
    interval: 30



Only one monitoring method can be configured, either webapi or mqtt. The other must be set to enabled: false.

  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • If set to true, Frigate events are collected by polling the web API
  • interval (Optional - Default: 30)
    • How frequently to check the Frigate web API for new events, in seconds
Config File Snippet
    enabled: true
    interval: 60



Only one monitoring method can be configured, either webapi or mqtt. The other must be set to enabled: false.

  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • If set to true, Frigate events are collected via an MQTT broker
    • Note: This must be the same MQTT broker that Frigate is sending events to
  • server (Required)
    • IP or hostname of the MQTT server
    • If MQTT monitoring is enabled, this field is required
  • port (Optiona - Default: 1883)
    • MQTT service port
  • clientid (Optional - Default: frigate-notify)
    • Client ID of this app used when connecting to MQTT
    • Note: This must be a unique value & cannot be shared with other MQTT clients
  • username (Optional)
    • MQTT username
    • If username & password are not set, then authentication is disabled
  • password (Optional)
    • MQTT password
    • Required if username is set
  • topic_prefix (Optional - Default: frigate)
    • Optionally change MQTT topic prefix
    • This should match the topic prefix used by Frigate
Config File Snippet
    enabled: true
    server: mqtt.your.domain.tld
    port: 1883
    clientid: frigate-notify
    username: mqtt-user
    password: mqtt-pass
    topic_prefix: frigate


  • exclude (Optional)
    • If desired, provide a list of cameras to ignore
    • Any Frigate events on these cameras will not generate alerts
    • If left empty, this is disabled & all cameras will generate alerts
Config File Snippet
      - test_cam_01
      - test_cam_02



Any combination of alerting methods may be enabled, though you'll probably want to enable at least one! 😅


  • title (Optional - Default: Frigate Alert)
    • Title of alert messages that are generated (Email subject, etc)
  • timeformat (Optional - Default: 2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 MST)
    • Optionally set a custom date/time format for notifications
    • This utilizes Golang's reference time for formatting
    • See this guide for help
    • Example below uses RFC1123 format
  • nosnap (Optional - Default: allow)
    • Specify what to do with events that have no snapshot image
    • By default, these events will be sent & notification message will say "No snapshot available"
    • Set to drop to silently drop these events & not send notifications
  • snap_bbox (Optional - Default: false)
    • Includes object bounding box on snapshot when retrieved from Frigate
    • Note: Per Frigate docs, only applied when event is in progress
  • snap_timestamp (Optional - Default: false)
    • Includes timestamp on snapshot when retrieved from Frigate
    • Note: Per Frigate docs, only applied when event is in progress
  • snap_crop (Optional - Default: false)
    • Crops snapshot when retrieved from Frigate
    • Note: Per Frigate docs, only applied when event is in progress
Config File Snippet
    title: Frigate Alert
    timeformat: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST

Quiet Hours

Define a quiet period & supress alerts during this time.

  • start (Optional)
    • When quiet period begins, in 24-hour format
    • Required if end is configured
  • end (Optional)
    • When quiet period ends, in 24-hour format
    • Required if start is configured
Config File Snippet
    start: 08:00
    end: 17:00


This config section allows control over whether to generate alerts on all zones, or only specific ones. By default, the app will generate notifications on all Frigate events, regardless of whether the event includes zone info.

A note about how this works

With MQTT, Frigate will send a new event when a detection starts. Subsequent changes, like the detected object transitioning from one zone to another, will trigger update events. These update events will contain a list of current zone(s) that the object is in, as well as a list of all zones that the object has entered during the event.

In order to reduce the number of notifications generated, this app will only alert on the first time the detected object enters a zone.

For example, let's say you have a camera in your front yard with zones for sidewalk, driveway, and lawn - but only allow notifications for driveway and lawn. During an event someone was detected originally on the sidewalk, then driveway, lawn, and back to driveway. In this case, you should only receive two notifications. Once for the first time the person entered the driveway zone, and a second when they entered the lawn zone.

With Web API event query, we only query the event from Frigate one time. So currently, only one alert would be sent depending on the detected zones at the time the web API was queried for new events.

  • unzoned (Optional - Default: allow)
    • Controls alerts on events outside a zone
    • By default, events without a zone will generate alerts
    • Set to drop to prevent generating alerts from events without a zone
  • allow (Optional)
    • Specify a list of zones to allow notifications
    • All other zones will be ignored
    • If unzoned is set to allow, notifications will still be sent on events without any zone info
  • block (Optional)
    • Specify a list of zones to always ignore
    • This takes precedence over the allow list
Config File Snippet
    unzoned: allow
     - test_zone_01
     - test_zone_02


Similar to zones, notifications can be filtered based on labels. By default, the app will generate notifications regardless of any labels received from Frigate. Using this config section, certain labels can be blocked from sending notifications - or an allowlist can be provided to only generate alerts from specified labels.

  • min_score (Optional - Default: 0)
    • Filter by minimum label score, based on Frigate top_score value
    • Scores are a percent accuracy of object identification (0-100)
    • For example, to filter objects under 80% accuracy, set min_score: 80
    • By default, any score above 0 will generate an alert
  • allow (Optional)
    • Specify a list of labels to allow notifications
    • If set, all other labels will be ignored
    • If not set, all labels will generate notifications
  • block (Optional)
    • Specify a list of labels to always ignore
    • This takes precedence over the allow list
Config File Snippet
    min_score: 80
     - person
     - dog
     - bird


Filter by sublabels, just like normal labels.

  • allow (Optional)
    • Specify a list of sublabels to allow notifications
    • If set, all other sublabels will be ignored
    • If not set, all sublabels will generate notifications
  • block (Optional)
    • Specify a list of sublabels to always ignore
    • This takes precedence over the allow list
Config File Snippet
     - ABCD
     - EFGH
     - XYZ


  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable alerting via Discord webhooks
  • webhook (Required)
    • Full URL of the desired Discord webhook to send alerts through
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
    • Check Discord's docs for how to create a webhook
  • template (Optional)
    • Optionally specify a custom notification template
    • For more information on template syntax, see Alert Templates
Config File Snippet
    enabled: false
    webhook: https://<your-discord-webhook-here>


  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable alerting via Gotify
  • server (Required)
    • IP or hostname of the target Gotify server
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • token (Required)
    • App token associated with this app in Gotify
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • ignoressl (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to allow self-signed certificates
  • template (Optional)
    • Optionally specify a custom notification template
    • For more information on template syntax, see Alert Templates
Config File Snippet
    enabled: false
    server: gotify.your.domain.tld
    token: ABCDEF
    ignoressl: true


  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable alerting via SMTP
  • server (Required)
    • IP or hostname of the target SMTP server
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • port (Required)
    • Port of the target SMTP server
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • tls (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true if SMTP TLS is required
  • user (Optional)
    • Add SMTP username for authentication
    • If username & password are not set, then authentication is disabled
  • password (Optional)
    • Password of SMTP user
    • Required if user is set
  • recipient (Required)
    • Comma-separated list of email recipients
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • template (Optional)
    • Optionally specify a custom notification template
    • For more information on template syntax, see Alert Templates
Config File Snippet
    enabled: false
    server: smtp.your.domain.tld
    port: 587
    tls: true
    user: test_user@your.domain.tld
    password: test_pass
    recipient: nvr_group@your.domain.tld, someone_else@your.domain.tld



There is an issue with Telegram alerts if you use URL-embedded credentials for your Frigate links, for example: https://user:pass@frigate.domain.tld

Telegram appears to incorrectly process these URLs, which will cause the camera & clip links to become unclickable within Telegram.

In order to use Telegram for alerts, a bot token & chat ID are required.

To obtain a bot token, follow this doc to message @BotFather.

Once you have a bot token, make sure to initiate a chat message with your bot. Then visit the following URL:

  • Replace <BOT_TOKEN> with the API token provided by @BotFather.

Within the response, locate your message to the bot, then grab the ID under message > chat > id. An example response is shown below, where 999999999 is the ID we need to save:

  "update_id": 1234567,
  "message": {
    "chat": {
      "id": 999999999,
      "first_name": "Test User",
      "username": "test-username1234",
      "type": "private"
  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable alerting via Telegram
  • chatid (Required)
    • Chat ID for the alert recipient
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • token (Required)
    • Bot token generated from @BotFather
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • template (Optional)
    • Optionally specify a custom notification template
    • For more information on template syntax, see Alert Templates
Config File Snippet
    enabled: true
    chatid: 123456789
    token: 987654321:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP


  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable alerting via Pushover
  • token (Required)
    • Pushover application API token
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • userkey (Required)
    • Recipient user or group key from Pushover dashboard
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • devices (Optional)
    • Optionally specify list of devices to send notifications to
    • If left empty, all devices will receive the notification
  • priority (Optional)
    • Optionally set message priority
    • Valid priorities are -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
  • retry (Optional)
    • Message retry in seconds until message is acknowledged
    • If priority is set to 2, this is required
    • Minimum value is 30 seconds
  • expire (Optional)
    • Expiration timer for message retry
    • If priority is set to 2, this is required
  • ttl (Optional)
    • Optionally set lifetime of message, in seconds
    • If set, message notifications are deleted from devices after this time
  • template (Optional)
    • Optionally specify a custom notification template
    • For more information on template syntax, see Alert Templates
Config File Snippet
    enabled: true
    token: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    userkey: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    devices: device1,device2
    priority: 0


  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable alerting via Ntfy
  • server (Required)
    • Full URL of the desired Ntfy server
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • topic (Required)
    • Destination topic that will receive alert notifications
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • ignoressl (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to allow self-signed certificates
  • headers (Optional)
    • Send additional HTTP headers to Ntfy server
    • Header values can utilize template variables
    • Header format: Header: Value
    • Example: Authorization: Basic abcd1234
    • Note: Notifications via Ntfy are sent with a default action button that links to the event clip. This can be overridden by defining a custom X-Action header here
  • template (Optional)
    • Optionally specify a custom notification template
    • For more information on template syntax, see Alert Templates
Config File Snippet
    enabled: true
    server: https://ntfy.your.domain.tld
    topic: frigate
    ignoressl: true



Webhook alerts are JSON only, and do not contain an image from the event.

Default webhook message
    "time": "",
    "id": "",
    "camera": "",
    "label": "", 
    "score": "",
    "current_zones": "",
    "entered_zones": "",
    "has_clip": "",
    "has_snapshot": "",
    "links": {
         "camera": "",
         "clip": "",
         "snapshot": "",
  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable alerting via webhook
  • server (Required)
    • Full URL of the desired webhook server
    • Required if this alerting method is enabled
  • ignoressl (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to allow self-signed certificates
  • headers (Optional)
    • Send additional HTTP headers to webhook receiver
    • Header values can utilize template variables
    • Header format: Header: Value
    • Example: Authorization: Basic abcd1234
  • template (Optional)
    • Optionally specify a custom notification template
    • For more information on template syntax, see Alert Templates
    • Note: Webhook templates must be valid JSON
Config File Snippet
    enabled: false


If enabled, this application will check in with tools like HealthChecks or Uptime Kuma on a regular interval for health / status monitoring.

  • enabled (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to enable health checks
  • url (Required)
    • URL path for health check service
    • Required if monitoring is enabled
  • interval (Required - Default: 60)
    • Frequency of check-in events
    • Required if monitoring is enabled
  • ignoressl (Optional - Default: false)
    • Set to true to allow self-signed certificates
Config File Snippet
  enabled: false